Selected Papers Available for Download
Fréchette, Guillaume R., Alessandro Lizzeri, and Jacopo Perego (2021)
Rules and Commitment in Communication: An Experimental Analysis
Econometrica, forthcoming.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., Kim Sarnoff, and Leeat Yariv (2021)
Experimental Economics: Past and Future
Annual Review of Economics, 14(1): 777-794.
Dal Bó, Pedro, Guillaume R. Fréchette, and Jeongbin Kim (2021)
The Determinants of Efficient Behavior in Coordination Games
Games and Economic Behavior, 130: 352-368.
Additional material: Instructions, Meta data, Data from our experiment.
Dal Bó, Pedro and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2019)
Strategy Choice In The Infinitely Repeated Prisoners Dilemma
American Economic Review, 109(11): 3929-52.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., Alessandro Lizzeri, and Tobias Salz (2019)
Frictions in a Competitive, Regulated Market: Evidence from Taxis
American Economic Review, 109(8): 2954-92.
Aoyagi, Masaki, V. Bhaskar, and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2019)
The Impact of Monitoring in Infinitely Repeated Games: Perfect, Public, and Private
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 11(1): 1-43.
Additional material: Online Appendix, Instructions, Data.
Dal Bó, Pedro and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2018)
On the Determinants of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games: A Survey
Journal of Economic Literature, 56(1): 60-114.
Additional material: Online Appendix, Data.
Embrey, Matthew, Guillaume R. Fréchette, and Sevgi Yuksel (2018)
Cooperation in the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(1): 509-551.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Meta data, Data from our experiment.
Fréchette, Guillaume R. and Emanuel Vespa (2017)
The Determinants of Voting in Multilateral Bargaining Games
Journal of the Economic Science Association, 3(1): 26-43.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., Andrew Schotter, and Isabel Treviño (2017)
Personality, Information Acquisition and Choice under Uncertainty: An Experimental Study
Economic Inquiry, 55(3): 1468-1488.
Additional material: Instructions, Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R. and Sevgi Yuksel (2017)
Infinitely Repeated Games in the Laboratory: Four Perspectives on Discounting and Random Termination
Experimental Economics, 20(2): 279-308.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Winner: 2017 Editor's Award for best paper published in Experimental Economics.
Agranov, Marina, Guillaume R. Fréchette, Thomas Palfrey, and Emanuel Vespa (2016)
Static and Dynamic Underinvestment: An Experimental Investigation
Journal of Public Economics, 143: 125-141.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R. (2016)
Experimental Economics Across Subject Populations
in The Handbook of Experimental Economics, vol 2., John H. Kagel and Alvin E. Roth (editors), Princeton University Press, pp: 435-480.
Embrey, Matthew, Guillaume R. Fréchette, and Steven F. Lehrer (2015)
Bargaining and Reputation: Experimental Evidence on Bargaining in the Presence of Irrational Types
The Review of Economic Studies, 82(2): 608-631.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Corrigendum: This note corrects an error in the units of the delay variable reported.
Fréchette, Guillaume R. (2015)
Laboratory Experiments: Professionals versus Students
in Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology, Guillaume R. Fréchette and Andrew Schotter (editors), Oxford University Press, pp: 360-390.
Fréchette, Guillaume R. (2012)
Session-Effects in the Laboratory
Experimental Economics, 15(3): 485-498.
Corrigendum: On top of page 493, I attribute the first use of the turnpike design to Cooper et al (1996). It had been used earlier by McKelvey and Palfrey in their paper "An Experimental Study of the Centipede Game" published in 1992 (Econometrica, 60(4): 803-836).
Fréchette, Guillaume R., John H. Kagel, and Massimo Morelli (2012)
Pork Versus Public Goods: An Experimental Study of Public Good Provision Within a Legislative Bargaining Framework
Economic Theory, 49(3): 779-800.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Dal Bó, Pedro and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2011)
The Evolution of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games: Experimental Evidence
American Economic Review, 101(1): 411-429.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R. (2009)
Learning in a Multilateral Bargaining Game
Journal of Econometrics, 153(2): 183-195.
Aoyagi, Masaki and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2009)
Collusion as Public Monitoring Becomes Noisy: Experimental Evidence
Journal of Economic Theory, 144(3): 1135-1165.
Additional material: Data, Instructions, 2005 version with additional analysis of strategies.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., Francois Maniquet, and Massimo Morelli (2008)
Incumbents' Interests, Voters' Bias and Gender Quotas
American Journal of Political Science, 52(4): 891-909.
Additional material: 1997 Data, 2002 Data, 2007 Data, 2006 version with additional analysis of party bias and strategic behavior.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., Alvin E. Roth, and M. Utku Unver (2007)
Unraveling Yields Inefficient Matchings: Evidence from Post-Season College Football Bowls
RAND Journal of Economics, 38(4): 967-982.
Additional material: Online Appendix, Data.
Charness, Gary, Margarida Corominas-Bosch, and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2007)
Bargaining and Network Structure: An Experiment
Journal of Economic Theory, 136(1): 28-65.
Additional material: Data.
Charness, Gary, Cheng-Zhong Qin, and Guillaume R. Fréchette (2007)
Endogenous Transfers in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game: An Experimental Test Of Cooperation And Coordination
Games and Economic Behavior, 60(2): 287-306.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions), Data.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., John H. Kagel, and Massimo Morelli (2005)
Behavioral Identification in Coalitional Bargaining: An Experimental Analysis of Demand Bargaining and Alternating Offers
Econometrica, 73(6): 1893-1938.
Additional material: Data, Instructions.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., John H. Kagel, and Massimo Morelli (2005)
Nominal Bargaining Power, Selection Protocol, and Discounting in Legislative Bargaining
Journal of Public Economics, 89(8): 1497-1517.
Additional material: Data, Instructions.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., John H. Kagel, and Massimo Morelli (2005)
Gamson's Law versus Non-Cooperative Bargaining Theory
Games and Economic Behavior, 51(2): 365-390.
Additional material: Data, Instructions.
Charness, Gary, Guillaume R. Fréchette, and John H. Kagel (2004)
How Robust is Laboratory Gift Exchange?
Experimental Economics, 7(2): 189-205.
Additional material: Data, Instructions.
Fréchette, Guillaume R., John H. Kagel, and Steven F. Lehrer (2003)
Bargaining in Legislatures: An Experimental Investigation of Open versus Closed Amendment Rules
American Political Science Review, 97(2): 221-232.
Additional material: Data, Instructions.
Working Papers
An Experimental Study of Imperfect Public Monitoring: Efficiency versus Renegotiation-Proofness
(with Matthew Embrey and Ennio Stacchetti)
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions).
Beliefs in Repeated Games: An Experiment
(with Masaki Aoyagi and Sevgi Yuksel)
Conditionally Accepted @ AER.
Additional material: Online Appendix (including instructions).
Extracting Models From Data Sets: An Experiment
(with Emanuel Vespa and Sevgi Yuksel).
The Selective Disclosure of Evidence: An Experiment
(with Agata Farina, Alessandro Ispano, Alessandro Lizzeri, and Jacopo Perego).